Winter in Vrchlabi

Winter in Vrchlabi

How best to enjoy the moments you share with others? Where to go, where to find some sports opportunities, what not to miss, and where you can find entertainment or a pleasant experience? We will try to advise you with the range of winter activities and experiences which the town of Vrchlabi, its citizens and local businesses offer visitors, both Czech and foreign, as well as locals!

Four Chairlifts, Ski Resorts for Children as Well as Experienced Skiers

Ski resort Herlíkovice in Vrchlabí

Parents with young children as well as experienced skiers will find something they can enjoy here. There is both a chair lift with detachable chairs, ideal for young visitors, and a demanding downhill track starting at 1000 m a.s.l., high-quality surfaces guaranteed by new grooming machinery and the latest artificial snow equipment. Ski rentals, Ski service, Test centre and ski schools, as well as babysitting, are available along with a new children’s area with a belt conveyor, merry-go-round and other attractions.

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Cross-country Tracks in the Vejsplachy Resort and Elsewhere

The Vejsplachy Ski Resort

There are kilometres of regularly groomed cross-country tracks, some of which are artificially lit every evening and are supplemented by artificial snow when necessary. When the weather is good, Vrchlabi offers 35 km of regularly groomed cross-country tracks in its environs. If snow is only available at higher altitudes, the Knezice resort offers very good skiing.

The Vejsplachy Ski Resort

The Krkonose Fairytale Nativity Scene in the Palace Park

The Krkonose Fairytale Nativity Scene in the Palace Park

Christmas time in Vrchlabi is accompanied by many illuminated Christmas decorations, snow-clad countryside and the town, and a wood-carved Krkonose fairytale nativity scene not far from the Vrchlabi palace. Come to see it!

See the nativity scene in the park

Unique Mechanical Nativity Scene

Unique Mechanical Nativity Scene

From 23 December 2023, you will find in front of the entrance to the palace a small wooden building whose shingle roof covers a hand-carved mechanical nativity scene with 254 figurines, many of which move.

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House with Seven Gables – Museum and Café

House with Seven Gables

One of the oldest buildings in the town, dating back to the early 16th century, used to be the craftsmen’s house. Today it houses a museum where you can see how the original inhabitants lived. The ground floor offers a café with the atmosphere of days past.

To the café 

Four Historical Houses – See the Museum or an Exhibition

Four Historical Houses

Four gabled houses opposite the church of St. Lawrence present the town’s history and life in the Krkonose Mountains. They also feature a children’s corner where the children will not only be entertained but also learn what’s special in the Krkonose’s history. There is also a short-term exhibition on the Christmas topic.

Go to the Krkonose Museum

New Krkonossky National Park Visitor Centre

Krkonossky National Park Visitor Centre

The new visitor centre follows up on the popular past exhibitions called Stone and Life and Man and the Mountains, in the Augustinian Monastery. The National Park Administration has created a new exhibition in the Krkonose Museum which documents the story of the Krkonose, reflecting both its unique nature and the coexistence of man and nature.

Worth seeing

The Modern Aqua Centrum and Indoor Pool

The Modern Aqua Centrum and Indoor Pool

The pleasant location of the new Aqua Centrum, offering a nice view of the wooden pier and angler’s cabin, is the right place to relax after a chilly day or a trip. Everybody will find their own attraction here, be it the swimming pool with four lanes, wading pool, whirlpool, water slides, wild river or the steam cabin.

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Going for Sports and Pro-active Relaxation

Do you need to clear your head or stretch your body? You can take advantage of numerous local sports fields.

Going for Education and Entertainment

Do you want to get to know the town well, or just take a walk through the interesting places, and perhaps find a little entertainment? Take some of the prepared routes that will show you what you should not miss. Some of these routes offer entertainment for you as well as your children.